Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

16 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 11389
Title : Notes and Announcements [Includes a variety of announcements from the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship. See in particular the notes from editors discussing the "Forum's" editorial move from the University of Oregon to Minot State University. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 37., (Spring 2004):  Pages 3 - 8.
Year of Publication: 2004.

2. Record Number: 11406
Title : Notes and Announcements [Includes news from the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship and details about the organization's sessions at the 2005 Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo, Michigan. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 38., (Winter 2004):  Pages 5 - 17.
Year of Publication: 2004.

3. Record Number: 11346
Title : Notes and Announcements [Includes a variety of announcements from the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship. Note in particular the Society's procedures for book reviews in the "Forum." Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 35., ( 2003):  Pages 3 - 5.
Year of Publication: 2003.

4. Record Number: 11371
Title : Notes and Announcements [Includes a variety of announcements from the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 36., (Fall 2003):  Pages 3 - 8.
Year of Publication: 2003.

5. Record Number: 10784
Title : Notes and Announcements [Includes news from the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship, calls for papers and for manuscripts, and a description of the new, Medieval Feminist Forum Subsidia issue, "Women in Medieval Iberia: A Selected Bibliography." Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 33., (Spring 2002):  Pages 3 - 11.
Year of Publication: 2002.

6. Record Number: 10859
Title : Candidates for Election to Advisory Board [Twelve people present themselves as candidates for the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship Advisory Board. They describe their scholarly interests and their goals for the Society. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 33., (Spring 2002):  Pages 65 - 68.
Year of Publication: 2002.

7. Record Number: 10860
Title : Notes and Announcements [Includes news from the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship and calls for papers. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 34., (Fall 2002):  Pages 3 - 7.
Year of Publication: 2002.

8. Record Number: 6356
Title : Advisory Board Ballot [for members to elect candidates to the advisory board of the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 31., (Spring 2001):  Pages 63 - 64.
Year of Publication: 2001.

9. Record Number: 10181
Author(s): Bartlett, Anne Clark.
Title : Message from the President of SMFS [Bartlett reviews the activities that the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship will sponsor at the Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo, Michigan.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 32., (Fall 2001):  Pages 3 - 4.
Year of Publication: 2001.

10. Record Number: 10182
Title : Announcements [Includes a description of the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship's second Subsidia issue ("Women in Medieval Iberia: A Selected Bibliography") and a new Web site as well as calls for papers and a conference report on "Seeing Gender: Perspectives on Medieval Gender and Sexuality," King's College, London, January 4-6, 2002. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 32., (Fall 2001):  Pages 6 - 13.
Year of Publication: 2001.

11. Record Number: 4316
Author(s): Rasmussen, Ann Marie.
Title : Message form the President of SMFS [Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship].
Source: Medieval Feminist Forum , 28., (Fall 1999):  Pages 3 - 4.
Year of Publication: 1999.

12. Record Number: 972
Author(s): Sheingorn, Pamela.
Title : A Report from the President: Kalamazoo 1996 [description of the society business meeting].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 21., (Spring 1996):  Pages 1
Year of Publication: 1996.

13. Record Number: 973
Title : Kalamazoo 1997: Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship [description of four sessions sponsored by the Society].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 21., (Spring 1996):  Pages 1 - 2.
Year of Publication: 1996.

14. Record Number: 1012
Author(s): Krueger, Bonnie and Beth Robertson
Title : A Brief History of MFN and SMFS [the Medieval Feminist Newsletter and the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 22., (Fall 1996):  Pages 3 - 6.
Year of Publication: 1996.

15. Record Number: 4959
Title : Report from Kalamazoo: Sessions for 1995 [four session for the 1995 International Medieval Congress have been proposed; brief descriptions and proposers' names are included].
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 17., (Summer 1994):  Pages 3
Year of Publication: 1994.

16. Record Number: 4962
Author(s): Summit, Jennifer.
Title : Report on Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship Graduate Student Network
Source: Medieval Feminist Newsletter , 18., (Fall 1994):  Pages 5 - 6.
Year of Publication: 1994.